
Class Layers

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.supermap.mapping.Layers

  • public class Layers
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Layers class is a collection of the Layer objects. This class manages all the layers in a Map.

    A layers object can contain various types of common layers and thematic layers and provides the construction methods for the two types of layers.

    This class provides methods such as adding, deleting, searching layers. Also layers can be set to be editable or non-editable. In the meantime, multiple layers in a layers object can be editable at the same time. Thus the users can edit multiple layers simultaneously and achieve higher working efficiency. This allows you to edit multiple layers at the same time, improving productivity.

    The following code demonstrates the use of layer collection class to the layer to clear, add, delete and other operations.
     public void layersTest() {
            // Return captial, world, ocean datasets
      String rootPath = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
            Workspace workspace = new Workspace();
            WorkspaceConnectionInfo workspaceConnectionInfo = new WorkspaceConnectionInfo();
            workspaceConnectionInfo.setServer(rootPath + "/SampleData/World/World.smwu");
            Datasource datasource = workspace.getDatasources().get(0);
            Dataset dataset0 = datasource.getDatasets().get("capital");
            Dataset dataset1 = datasource.getDatasets().get("world");
            Dataset dataset2 = datasource.getDatasets().get("ocean");
            // Open map
            Map map = new Map(workspace);
            // Return layer collection
            Layers layers = map.getLayers();
            // Operate on layer collection, including clear, add, delete, etc.
            layers.add(dataset1, true);
            layers.add(dataset0, true);
            layers.add(dataset2, true);
            //Release resource
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public Layer add(Dataset dataset,
                         boolean addToHead)
        Loads a dataset to display it as a common layer in this layers object, namely creates a common layer and adds it to this layers. The style is specified by system.
        dataset - The dataset to add to the layer.
        addToHead - Specifies whether the newly created layer is placed at the top level of the layer collection. When set to false, the newly created layer is placed at the bottom.
        newly added layers.
        See the example of the class Layers .
      • add

        public Layer add(Dataset dataset,
                         Theme theme,
                         boolean addToHead)
        Loads a dataset to display it as a thematic layer in this layers object, namely creates a thematic layer and adds it to this layers, and this thematic layer use the specified Theme object.

        Note that the thematic map objects of the thematic layer can not be changed to other types of thematic map objects once specified. For example, when you create a thematic map object that specifies the layer as a thematic map object, you can not change it to other thematic map objects such as label thematic maps or statistical thematic maps.

        dataset - The dataset to add to the layer.
        theme - Specifies the thematic map of the thematic layer.
        addToHead - Specifies whether the newly created layer is placed at the top level of the layer collection. When set to false, the newly created layer is placed at the bottom.
        Newly added thematic layer.
        See the example of the class Layers .
      • getCount

        public int getCount()
        Returns the count of the layer objects in this Layers.
        the total number of layer objects in this layer collection.
        The default value is 0, that is, there is no layer object in the layer collection.
      • removeRange

        public int removeRange(int startIndex,
                               int count)
        Deletes the specified count of layers in this layers from the specified index and returns the count of the layer objects that have been deleted.
        startIndex - The starting index of the layer to be deleted.
        count - The number of layers to delete.
        Delete the number of layers.
      • remove

        public boolean remove(int index)
        Deletes a layer with the specified index in this layers.True, if the layer has been deleted successfully.
        index - The index of the layer to be deleted.
        Returns true if the deletion succeeds, false otherwise.
        See the example of the class Layers .
      • remove

        public boolean remove(java.lang.String name)
        Deletes a layer with the specified name in this layers.
        name - Remove the name of the layer.
        Returns true if the deletion succeeds, false otherwise.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Deletes all the layers in this layers object.
        See the example of the class Layers .
      • get

        public Layer get(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the layer object with the specified name in the Layers.
        name - The name of the layer to return.
        A layer object that specifies the name in this layer collection.
        See the example Layer .
      • get

        public Layer get(int index)
        Returns the layer object with the specified index in the Layers. The index of the layer in the Layers starts from 0.
        index - The index of the layer to return.
        The layer object that specifies the index in this layer collection.
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the index of the layer object with the specified name in this layers object.
        name - The name of the layer to find.
        returns the specified layer to return to the layer index, otherwise returns -1.
      • insert

        public Layer insert(int index,
                            Dataset dataset)
        Inserts a dataset to display it as a common layer in this layers object.
        index - The index of the inserted data set in the layer.
        dataset - The dataset to be inserted.
        newly inserted layers.
      • setLayersStateListener

        public void setLayersStateListener(LayersStateListener listener)
        Add a listener to receive layer adding, modifying, editing events.
        listener - A listener for receiving a layer collection change event.
      • removeLayersStateListener

        public boolean removeLayersStateListener(LayersStateListener listener)
        Removes a listener to receive layer adding, modifying, editing events.
        listener - A listener for receiving a layer collection change event.
        returns true if the listener is removed, false otherwise.
      • contains

        public boolean contains(java.lang.String name)
        Determines whether this layers contains the layer with the specified name.
        name - may contain the name of the layer object in this layer collection.
        Returns true if this layer contains a layer with the specified name, false otherwise.
      • moveToTop

        public boolean moveToTop(int index)
        Moves the layer with the specified index to the topmost position in this layers.
        index - The index to move to the topmost layer.
        Returns true if the move succeeds, false otherwise.
      • moveToBottom

        public boolean moveToBottom(int index)
        Moves the layer with the specified index to the bottom in this layers.
        index - The index of the layer to move to the bottom layer.
        Returns true if the move succeeds, false otherwise.
      • moveUp

        public boolean moveUp(int index)
        Moves the Layer with the specified index upward to above the former upper layer.
        index - The index of the layer to move.
        Returns true if the move succeeds, false otherwise.
      • moveDown

        public boolean moveDown(int index)
        Moves the layer with the specified index backward to below the former lower layer.
        index - The index of the layer to move.
        Returns true if the move succeeds, false otherwise.
      • moveTo

        public boolean moveTo(int srcIndex,
                              int desIndex)
        Moves the Layer with the specified index to the target index.
        srcIndex - To move the original index of the layer.
        desIndex - The target index to which the layer is to be moved.
        Returns true if the move succeeds, false otherwise.
      • addGroup

        public LayerGroup addGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
        Add a group layer to the layer set.
        groupName - The display name of the grouping layer.
        Returns the newly added grouping layer.
      • insertGroup

        public LayerGroup insertGroup(int index,
                                      java.lang.String groupName)
        Add a group layer to the layer set.
        index - Specifies the location of the inserted grouping layer.
        groupName - The display name of the grouping layer.
        the inserted grouping layer.
      • removeGroup

        public boolean removeGroup(LayerGroup group)
        Removes the specified group layer from the layer set.
        group - Specifies the grouping layer to be removed.
        A Boolean value indicating whether the removal of the grouping layer was successful, true for success, and false for failure.
      • add

        public boolean add(Layer layer)
        Add a layer to the layer group. It is primarily used to move layers in layer group to layer collection. If the layer already exists, it will not be added to the layer collection and false will return.
        layer - Specifies the layer to add.
        A boolean indicating whether the layer was successful, true for success, and false for failure.
      • insert

        public boolean insert(int index,
                              Layer layer)
        Inserts a layer to the layer group. It is primarily used to move layers in layer group to layer collection. If the layer already exists, it will not be added to the layer collection and false will return.
        index - Specifies the index position of the inserted layer.
        layer - Specifies the layer to be inserted.
        A Boolean value indicating whether the insert layer was successful, true for success, and false for failure.
      • remove

        public boolean remove(Layer layer)
        Removes the specified layer from the layer set.
        layer - Specifies the layer to be removed.
        A Boolean value indicating whether the layer was successful, true for success, and false for failure.
      • addLayerGroupAddedListener

        public void addLayerGroupAddedListener(LayerGroupAddedListener l)
        Adds a listener used to receive LayerGroupAddedEvent.
        l - A listener that receives events that add a grouping layer end event to a layer collection.
      • removeLayerGroupAddedListener

        public void removeLayerGroupAddedListener(LayerGroupAddedListener l)
        Removes a listener used to receive LayerGroupAddedEvent.
        l - A listener that receives events that add a grouping layer end event to a layer collection.
      • addLayerGroupRemovedListener

        public void addLayerGroupRemovedListener(LayerGroupRemovedListener l)
        Adds a listener used to receive LayerGroupRemovedEvent.
        l - A listener that is used to receive a dropout event from a layer collection.
      • removeLayerGroupRemovedListener

        public void removeLayerGroupRemovedListener(LayerGroupRemovedListener l)
        Removes a listener used to receive LayerGroupRemovedEvent.
        l - A listener that is used to receive a dropout event from a layer collection.
      • addLayerAddedListener

        public void addLayerAddedListener(LayerAddedListener l)
        Adds a listener used to receive LayerAddedEvent.
        l - A listener for receiving layers to be added events.
      • removeLayerAddedListener

        public void removeLayerAddedListener(LayerAddedListener l)
        Removes a listener used to receive LayerAddedEvent.
        l - A listener for receiving layers to be added events.
      • addLayerRemovedListener

        public void addLayerRemovedListener(LayerRemovedListener l)
        Adds a listener used to receive LayerRemovedEvent.
        l - A listener for receiving a layer's deleted event.
      • removeLayerRemovedListener

        public void removeLayerRemovedListener(LayerRemovedListener l)
        Removes a listener used to receive LayerRemovedEvent.
        l - A listener for receiving a layer's deleted event.
      • add

        public void add(Datasource datasource,
                        java.lang.String strSLDFilePath)
        Add a layer to the layer collection through the SLD file
        datasource - The data source where the data is located
        strSLDFilePath - SLD file path
      • getAllSubLayersTitle

        public java.lang.String[] getAllSubLayersTitle()
        Gets a collection of all layer titles, returns an array of strings (for OGC services)
        String[] A collection of all layer titles
      • getByCaption

        public Layer getByCaption(java.lang.String caption)
        Gets the layer for the specified alias
        caption - Layer alias
        the layers found out
      • indexOfByCaption

        public int indexOfByCaption(java.lang.String caption)
        Gets the layer index through the layer alias
        caption - Layer alias
        the layer index
      • addHeatmap

        public LayerHeatmap addHeatmap(Dataset dataset,
                                       int kernelRadius)
        Creates a heat map according to the given point dataset and parameter settings
        dataset - Data involved in creating a heat map. The dataset must be a vector point dataset.
        kernelRadius - A radius to calculate denisty
        The heat map layer
      • addHeatmap

        public LayerHeatmap addHeatmap(Dataset dataset,
                                       int kernelRadius,
                                       Color maxColor,
                                       Color minColor)
        Creates a heat map according to the given point dataset and parameter settings
        dataset - Data involved in creating a heat map. The dataset must be a vector point dataset.
        kernelRadius - A radius to calculate denisty
        maxColor - the color of high-value point density
        minColor - the color of low-value point density
        The heat map layer
      • addGridAggregation

        public LayerGridAggregation addGridAggregation(Dataset dataset)
        Creates a grid map according to the given point dataset
        dataset - the point dataset
        The grid map
      • addGridAggregation

        public LayerGridAggregation addGridAggregation(Dataset dataset,
                                                       Color maxColor,
                                                       Color minColor)
        Creates a grid map according to the given point dataset and parameter settings
        dataset - the point dataset
        maxColor - the color of high-value point density
        minColor - the color of low-value point density
        The grid map
      • insert

        public Layer insert(int index,
                            java.lang.String strXML)
        Inserts a layer
        index - index
        strXML - xml layer data
        a layer
      • find

        public Layer find(java.lang.String name)
        Finds the layer from the layer group
        name - Name
        a layer